What's the meaning of the letter 'Hei'

What's the meaning of the letter 'Hei'

symbol Hei
What is ‘HEI'
This symbol, ה (Hei), is the fifth letter in the alphabet of the Holy Tongue – the Hebrew language. The Hebrew language assigns a numerical value to each letter as well as meaning and value to theletter forms.

Each letter has its own numerical value which defines the essence of the letter or the word.The numerical value of the letter 'ה (Hei) is five.
The letter 'ה (Hei) is comprised of two letters.

The two letters are the letter Dalet ('ד), whose numerical value is 4; and the letter Yod ('י) ,whose numerical value is 10 (one*). These are two different values, two letters, that represent two completely opposites essences – two essences that lie at the root of the world's opposites, and that together form the letter 'ה (Hei).
This is where the wonderous essence of the letter Hei (5) is revealed – an essence capable of connecting all opposites in the world, an essence that simultaneously pairs a 'thing' and 'its opposite' in an extraordinary way that enables each letter to retain its complete and unique form and identity, without in any way denying the identity of the other.
They are both simultaneously one letter, one thing – the letter 'ה (Hei) – the unifying point, a point of unity and peace that stems from the very nature of the letter. ■

Unifying Power

Divine Balance